affiliate marketing platform

List of partners

Partner data

The Partners subsection of the Statistics block contains summary information about all the Advertiser's partners, a quick filter by Partners and the function of adding a new Partner.
The list of partners is presented in tabular form with the following columns:

* Information about the Partner;
* Partner ID;
* Date and time of registration;
* E-mail;
* Full name of the Partner;
* Authorization function under the Partner.

Using the Advanced Filter, you can sort or search for partners by one or several criteria, such as:

* E-mail or ID of the Partner (search by part of the name is available);
* Requisites;
* Partner status (Confirmation e-mail / Active / Blocked);
* Availability of all documents (Yes / No);
* Payment method (All / Webmoney / Visa MasterCard / Zaleycash / Current account of individual entrepreneur / Current account of LLC).
The function of adding a new partner consists of the following fields:

* Name of the Partner;
* Email of the Partner;
* Password;
* Re-entering the Password.
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