How to promote your product during a period of uncertainty, when you need to do something, but you don't want to take risks? Our answer is to develop the CPA channel, and here's why:

1. A quick start in determining the buyer's portrait. When you give your offer to webmasters, they evaluate it for “applicability” to their audience, take it to work, and quickly understand the user's reaction to the product. Thus, after the first transactions, your partners will already be able to tell you what your customer is like.
2. You will not have to go beyond the budget, because you yourself set an acceptable cost for the client, which you are ready to pay to partners.
3. No intermediaries and unnecessary commissions. Working directly with traffic providers, you do not need to spend your budget on commissions charged by advertising networks and traffic aggregators (and this, for a moment, is from 15% to 30%).
4. Flexible motivation system. Set the most motivating rewards for those who give you more target users.
5. Saving time and money on experiments with advertising. An important point for those who cannot afford to drain the budget for launching test advertising campaigns, checking the response to different creatives.
6. CTR is not your concern. You only pay for the user's target action, not for their clicks. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
7. Predictable costs, predictable scaling. By building a clear and pleasant motivation system for partners, you can grow linearly, always understanding how much money you will spend on increasing the quality of your customer base.
8. Low risk. Everything is already clear here: the budget for promotion is spent not on impressions and clicks, but on a ready-made buyer. Consider that you pay your partners with the money that the client who came from them brought you.
9. Saving on the traffic purchase team. In no case are we calling for everyone to be fired! But we know the statistics, judging by which CPA channels are able to catch up and overtake traditional ways of attracting customers in terms of volume.
10. Reliable partners who are worried about your success. After all, their income depends on it.
11. Quick launch of promotions and special offers. It is enough to give partners all the necessary information about new offers, and they will convey it in the form that their audience is used to.
12. Quick feedback. Another advantage of working directly is that if something is wrong, you will instantly find out about it from your partners.
13. Good ROI. For everyone who approaches promotion wisely, counts every ruble, and is not ready to pay more than half LTV for a client.
14. A half-independent tool. You don't have to spend time posting creatives, generating links, and replacing titles in ads.
15. Insights from partners. Users coming to you from different partner pages can tell you a lot about the trends in demand for the product.
16. Effectiveness. Because it works. 93% of companies that have tried using the CPA channel recommend it to others.
17. Innovation. Advanced technologies and tools are used to achieve the previous point, and traffic partners are always happy to undertake new experiments.
18. Transparency. Because you always know what you're paying for.
19. Reduction of working capital. There is no need to invest a lot of money in the beginning of the funnel, redistribute it to something else, no less useful.
20. A very important point: the community of masters. Your partners will come to you with insights, a stream of ideas: “let's add an iPhone,” “what if we redo the application form like this?“Did you see what your competitor did?”, “it seems that such and such a page has broken"...
This is perhaps one of the most valuable advantages of the CPA channel, where participants perceive your success as equivalent to their own income.

Let these arguments inspire you to develop a partnership that will bring you many right customers with the best ROI.


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