A couple of months ago, we could not have imagined that in apocalypse mode, heroically saving the planet, people would rush to buy bread makers. When humanity urgently changes its habits and behavior, businesses must adapt and look for new opportunities.

  1. Search results

    Your product probably solves some kind of problem, and for sure, there are people who are looking for information about it, and sources who publish information on the right topic. Let's say you are selling an online store creation platform. In this case, you can enter queries into the search engine: “how to create an online store”, “how to connect card payment on the site”, “examples of successful online stores”, etc.
    The sources that appear in the first places in the search results are well indexed. They are your potential partners - visit their website, look for contacts for communication, and do not forget to prepare a “delicious” description of your offer, explaining why it is profitable to work with you, and why the audience of this source is so great for your affiliate program.
    Together with the owners of information sites, you can determine how to present your product most organically on their resources: if they publish articles, you can organically add an insert about your product to the article; if the source compares different products, make sure that you will be in a favorable place in this comparison.
    In addition to websites, you can contact bloggers and popular social media groups if you know that there is a target audience for your product.

  2. Placement on thematic resources

    Publish information about your affiliate program where partners can see it: catalogs, forums, social media groups and other sources where webmasters and publishers learn about new relevant offers and terms of various affiliate programs.

  3. Partners from related fields

    If your product helps users create online stores, a potential partner may be a resource that helps you choose and register a domain. If you and a company from a related field have an affiliate program, you can offer users discounts on each other's services as friendly services.

  4. We are looking at referral sources from competitors

    Thanks to tools like Similarweb or Ahrefs, you can see where referral traffic to your competitors is coming from. It is not necessary to “take away” partners from a competitor - in many cases, it is enough to make sure that if a referral source compares several products with each other, then you should also be there.

  5. Targeted advertising and remarketing

    Set up an advertising network pixel to track users who have been on your landing page for partners, but have not registered, and continue to advertise your affiliate program to them, telling them about the benefits and advantages that await them.

  6. Conferences and meetups

    One of the most effective ways to find loyal partners is by meeting them in person. Live communication is often more effective than other ways to establish contact, so we advise you not to miss such events. Here are some examples of events that should not be missed if you want to develop your affiliate program: Affiliate World Conferences, Affiliate Summit, Moscow Affiliate Conference, Mobile World Congress.

  7. Help from existing partners

    Motivate your partners to bring new ones to you by encouraging their success with gifts or commission terms. By the way, GoCPA provides a commission program for subpartners in this case, you can set the amount of commissions and conditions yourself.

Now you have as many as 7 ways to find partners in your arsenal. In fact, there are even more of them, you just need to be creative! You will have to spend time and energy to grow the affiliate program, but such efforts are fully justified.

In the midst of a pandemic, the population prefers to bake bread, and then lose weight with home-made sports equipment.
In addition to e-Commerce, significant changes are taking place in other areas: events (even techno parties and court sessions) en masse are transferred in the broadcast. Video game sales are growing and online versions of board games, pharmacies are entering the market (on April 12 in Russia there was allowed sale of medicines online). All those who did not manage to gain their own audience go to marketplaces, which actively develop logistics and purchase pedestals.

SimilarWeb data on activity in various sectors from December 2019 to April 2020: noticeable growth in telemedicine, video games and food delivery. <
Against the background of growing demand for home sports, the sale of training videos on Wildberries.

People began to make more frequent video calls to friends and relatives (an increase of 20%), and send more messages (an increase of 15%). Views of videos, broadcasts, stories and news feeds increased by 10-16%.
The pandemic has moved the audience from offline to online, during this time it is especially important for marketers and developers to have time to link users to their products, and those services that work effectively online are unlikely to return offline.

In which sectors are the most obvious growth and successful promotion now:

Food and nutrition

Delivery of fresh food, ingredients for cooking homemade dishes and pastries.


The gaming industry, online cooking courses, virtual travel.

Self-development, sports

Classes in virtual classrooms, online fitness.

Contactless systems, improved delivery services, remote financial services.

Health and medical services
Pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, vitamins, medical devices, personal protection elements, telemedicine, online consultations, applications.

Electrical appliances

Dishwashers, bread makers, disinfection devices.

Reduced office costs

Renting an office is expensive, and flexible working hours, which many companies will now discover for themselves, may become a familiar work organization. This provides new opportunities for the areas involved, such as remote work systems and cloud services.

At the slightest sign of instability, businesses cut their promotion budgets. Affiliate programs in betting reduced the rates from 50% to 10%, and some financial partner companies reduced the rates by 20-30%.

Amazon in its affiliate program
announced a reduction in rates for certain categories starting from April 21, 2020. At the same time, the company significantly reduced the cost of contextual advertising, which their competitor eBay actively decided to take advantage of.and the audience from offline to online, during this time it is especially important for marketers and developers to have time to link users to their products, and those services that work effectively online are unlikely to return offline.

The New Normal: COVID-19’s Business and Consumer Impact in Europe [April 2020]
However, not everyone in the current situation can increase the advertising budget like eBay, and we are seeing a decrease in costs for media coverage and promotion бренда
In comparison with display and contextual advertising, affiliate marketing keeps well afloat, and this is logical, because advertisers understand that it is now more profitable for them to pay for an established client than for a client in the future, reducing the risks of financial losses for promotion and focusing on the product itself and logistics. 

For advertisers who can afford promotion only within a certain cost of sale, the relevant tool will be the CPA channel, which provides a quick start and linear traffic growth.

It's better to change quickly than to die slowly, so if the last time you made up your user's path was a year ago, now is the time to rewrite it taking into account new realities, and act.


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